Web Analytics Made Easy -

Call Center Agent Desktop Application Training

An eLearning Module

Ariel Floyd Elliott

Product Customers


July 31, 2017

Project Background

This eLearning module was converted from a PowerPoint training deck as the software onboarding for customers who purchase the company's SaaS software solution. The goal of this project is to provide eLearning support for call center agent users of the desktop client application.

Course Features

The 11-minute course was broken up into  four interactive modules with intermittent knowledge check sections. I created a seamless onboarding learning experience for all customer learning groups, where the only major change from previous module designs was the main color (in this module, green). I also followed Google Material Design guidelines when developing this module to mimic the look of the company's desktop client application.

Result and Feedback

The e-Learning module received positive reviews and feedback. However, while the hidden menu is a great option given to enhance the user experience, it is tedious for the learner. Later, I found a way to make a non-distractive and visually appealing navigation menu that was visible to the learner at all times. I will apply this new menu format to future eLearning modules.