Web Analytics Made Easy -

Call Center Mobile Application Training

An eLearning module

Ariel Floyd Elliott


Project in Progress

Project Background

A project in progress, I am tasked with creating a quick eLearning onboarding module for customers who purchase the mobile application as a part of company's SaaS software solution package. This is an example of wireframes I have proposed for the module design and development, and the information mapping process I am currently using to design and develop the course.

The objective of this project for agents to use the company's mobile application to manage their daily schedules and communicate with their supervisors.

Course Features

Our learners prefer a navigation menu that is easily accessible throughout the eLearning course. In building this course, I am exploring the different ways the learner may access the main menu throughout the course, with intermittent knowledge check sections that utilize Mastery Learning principles to eliminate potential knowledge gaps. Learners will receive points for successful completion of the knowledge check section based on the level of skill mastery of each section, with a completion badge at the end of the course.

Each section is designed to be 1.5 minutes or less, with interactive tools that allow the learner to try out the mobile application within the eLearning module to test their knowledge.